A Tiny Bedroom Tour

Happy Tuesday! 

I actually had to go look at my phone because I had no idea what day it was. Sad, but true. Anyone else loose track? I just feel like I’m so busy all day that when I come up for air I have to reorient myself. I seriously have to do a mental checklist and ask myself if I’m missing anything like are there any meals I should be making or anything I’ve missed in the last three hours that was vital? Ugh. I get in a flow and then zoom my day is gone and I had no idea where it went. I’m not sure if it’s my age or my stage in life, I have a 16 year old at home that I homeschool and lots of fur/scale/feathered babies that need food and out for potty or something or another, plus my miniature business..some days I just can’t keep track of everything and I guess that’s ok. Maybe you can relate? 

This morning I got up and made coffee and after all of the people and beasties had been fed and watered I grabbed my camera and got some pics of my dollhouse bedroom for you while I still had good light. This little room is tiny...I mean really tiny! My dollhouse is supposed to be one inch scale but compared to others it seems a wee bit smaller. The sweet little daybed fits this space perfectly, and I’m trying out other pieces as I make them for my shop to see what works. I’m also planning to make some sort of chandelier or sconces in here, as well as curtains. I haven’t decided on what I want yet, so for now it sits!

My little momma and baby mice fit perfectly in this dollhouse, even though they’re technically not exactly to scale. To me whimsy wins over perfection every time. I had to have these two! A daddy mouse will join them very soon. Here’s a little peek at their bedroom!

I hope you liked my short tour! I want to add some art, a chandelier and a few other pretty things but for now I’m pretty happy with it. In the next few posts I’ll be working on some details for this space and I hope you’ll join me! ~Jenna 


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